The Academy’s registered Sponsors’ Association (“Freunde und Förderer der Anton Rubinstein Akademie e.V.”)
The goal of the “Friends and Patrons of the Anton Rubinstein Academy” is to provide extraordinarily gifted young musicians with the best possible chances to make the most of their talent. With this in mind, the association contributes to promoting an international and diverse musical culture, with an emphasis on piano and chamber music.
The Sponsors’ Association’s contributions include providing financial scholarships, supporting “Violins for Young Musicians, Crafted by Italian Masters” project, (in co-operation with the violin-maker Rudolfo Angiletta from Düsseldorf), sponsoring our collection of sheet music, as well as financing the Academy’s concert series’ and competitions. All projects are managed in close cooperation with the Rubinstein Academy – Blatow Foundation.
Members of the Sponsors’ Association support the Academy with membership fees and donations, but also by actively participating in and attending Academy events. Membership fees and donations are fully tax-deductible. Annual memberships start at 20 Euros, but larger donations are greatly appreciated. One-time donations are also welcomed and are used for promoting young, gifted musicians!
Michael Blatow (Chairman)
Phone: 0211 200 51 979
Application Form (for single membership) (coming soon)
Application Form (for company membership) (coming soon)
Freunde und Förderer der Anton Rubinstein Akademie
IBAN: DE56 3022 0190 0364 0117 17