
Master of Music - Beethoven Conservatorium Tegelen/Netherland

From the summer semester 2021 Music Academy offers the Master  Level degree program (As soon as the Master of  Music degree programme is recognised by the NVAO, currently “Master Level”) in all instruments, singing and composition in cooperation with the Beethoven Conservatorium in Tegelen/Netherlands.

Master of Music - Kalaidos University/ Switzerland

From the winter semester 2016/17 Music Academy offers the Master of Music degree program in all instruments, singing and composition in cooperation with the state-recognized Kalaidos University in Switzerland.

Master of Music - G. Puccini Conservatorio in La Spezia

The Anton Rubinstein International Music Academy currently offers a 4  semester Master of Music in composition, piano and instrumental performance, in cooperation with the Italian State Conservatories Conservatorio Giacomo Puccini in La Spezia.

Master of Music - Fontys School of Fine and Performing Arts

At the beginning of the summer semester 2016, the International Music Academy Anton Rubinstein offers the “Master of Music” (M.Mus) degree program in cooperation with the state-recognized Fontys University of Applied Sciences (School of Fine and Performing Arts)in Tilburg/ Netherlands.