The International Anton Rubinstein Competition 2020 – PIANO JUNIOR
26. & 26. April 2020, Dusseldorf
The Piano Junior Competition is open to all young pianists aged 8 to 15 years who are considering a career as a professional musician. And of course there are many attractive prices!
Venue: Internationale Musikakademie Anton Rubinstein, Flinger Str. 1, 20213 Düsseldorf.
Gabriele Leporatti |
Veronika Salikhova |
Ievgeniia Iermachkova |
Competition awards
- 1. Prize from the International Anton Rubinstein Music Academy
- 2. Prize from the Friends and Supporters of the Anton Rubinstein Academy
- 3. Prize from the Blatow Foundation
- Special Prize for the best interpretation of a work from I. Berkovich
- Special Prize for the best interpretation of a work from A. Saygun
- Special Prize for the best interpretation of a work from S. Rachmaninoff
- Special Prize for the best interpretation of a work from E. Grieg
- Special Prize for the best interpretation of a work from P. Tchaikovsky
Shuyi Wang, China1. Prize from the International Anton Rubinstein Music Academy
Shuyi WANG is 16 years old. Once study with Glinka P.L Conservatory Of Music Professor Дроздов Юрий Анатольевич and UdK Berlin Ph.D candidate De MI .Currently study in China Conservatory of Music Middle School with Steinway artist Chun WANG.
Malte Peters, Deutschland1. Prize from the International Anton Rubinstein Music Academy
Malte Peters ist 15 Jahre alt und besucht die 10. Klasse des Wolfgang Borchert Gymnasiums in Halstenbek. Er begann das Klavierspiel im Alter von 7 Jahren bei Ludmila Botchkowskaja. Seit 2018 besucht er als Jungstudent die Hochschule für Musik und Theater in Hamburg bei Prof. Julija Botchkowskaja. Malte ist Stipendiat der Andreas-Franke-Akademie und der Donati-Stiftung. |
Ekaterina Grabova, Russland2. Prize from the Friends and Supporters of the Anton Rubinstein Academy
The first prize winner of the Moscow Mayor Grants Competition in 2019 and a laureate of International TV Competition «Nutcracker», Russian pianist Katya Grabova has been lauded by the Radio Orpheus for her “crystal-clear articulation, rock-solid authority and a very Russian sense in her phrasing,” and by the Russia Culture TV channel as a pianist with “a huge, richly varied sound, a lively imagination and a firm sense of style”. This year Ms. Grabova is graduating as an excellent student from Gnessin Music School in Moscow, Russia, where she has studied with professor Tatiana Zelickman and famous pianist Boris Berezovsky. Ekaterina has been rapturously received as soloist with the Moscow Philharmonic Orchestra and Lviv Chamber Orchestra «Academia» including performances under the batons of Fabio Mastrangelo and Igor Pilatyuk. |
BoKun Liu, Kanada3. Prize from the Blatow Foundation
BoKun(Brayden) Liu has been studying piano since he was five.When he was 11 years old, he had his debut in the Carnegie Hall, New York. Since that time, he became a winner of various music festival and competitions. In 2019, he was named as the winner of Canadian Young Artist Standards of Excellence Award. Brayden Liu has participated in numerous masterclasses and he won several scholarships to support his stud |
Sezin Ege Kabakli, TürkeiSpecial Prize for the best interpretation of a work from I. Berkovich
She was born on April 20,2005 in Mersin,Turkey. She has started her part-time music education when she was 7 years old at Mersin University State Conservatory with Ayan KOMUR. At 5th class, she has decided to continue her education as a full-time student in secondary school at Mersin University State Conservatory. |
Arya Su Gülenc, TürkeiSpecial Prize for the best interpretation of a work from A. Saygun
Arya Su Gülenç is a primary school student in 4th grade, and is currently studying piano and theory in Bursa/Turkey with Yıldız Aslanova. • First Prize at “Heirs of Orpheus International Music Competition” 1-7 September 2017 Varna/Bulgaria |
Yasmin Gonzalez, GroßbritannienSpecial Prize for the best interpretation of a work from S. Rachmaninoff
Music education: II place, V AC Melos Tokyo International Music Competition, piano – duet category (ages 11-13), Tokyo, Japan, Dec. 2019 III place, First International Piano Competition “ClaMoMusic Junior,” professional category (ages 11-15), Murcia, Spain, Jul. 2019 I place, IV AC Melos Geneva International Music Competition, piano – solo category (ages 11-13), Geneva, Switzerland, Jun. 2019 III place, “On-Stage” International Classical Music Competition, piano – solo category (ages under 12), Codogno, Italy, Feb. 2019 II place, IV Open Music Competition “Carl Czerny,” piano – solo category (ages 10-12), Omsk, Russia, Dec. 2018 I place, Annual Etudes Competition, L.I.Shugom Music School Piano Department, Saratov State Conservatory, Russia, Oct. 2018 II place, VIII International Youth Talent Competition “Starry Rain,” classical music – piano – solo category (ages 11-13), Saratov, Russia, Feb. 2018 |
Jan Müller, Die SchweizSpecial Prize for the best interpretation of a work from E. Grieg
Jan ist am 28. Februar 2007 in Aarau auf die Welt gekommen und ist in der Familie der jüngste von drei Brüdern. Schon früh hat sich seine Passion zur Musik gezeigt und er begann im Alter von 4 Jahren Klavier zu spielen und im Alter von 5 Jahren Geige. Im Jahr 2014 und 2016 hat er den Aargauischen Musikwettbewerb gewonnen. An der Entrada des Schweizer Jugendmusikwettbewerbes 2017 hat er 1. Preis bekommen und im Anschluss erhielt er die Ehre beim Preisträgerkonzert, ein Stück von J. S. Bach zu spielen. Im Anschluss folgte das Final in La Chaux-deFonds, an welchem Jan den 2. Preis in der Schweiz gewann. Im November 2017 nahm er an einem kantonalen Fördermusikwettbewerb für Jugendliche bis 15 Jahre von Frieda Vogt teil und erhielt den 2. Preis. Am 28. Februar erhielt er die Ehre am Pianofestival in Aarau teilzunehmen und im Forum junge Talente hat er ein fast 30- minütiges Konzert mit Werken von Chopin, Bartok und Mozart gespielt. Am 08. April 2018 nahm Jan am Steinway Musikwettbewerb (bereits in der 2. Kategorie) in Solothurn teil. Im November 2018 gewann Jan den Musikwettbewerb Laupensdorf. |
Lukian Gasser, Die SchweizSpecial Prize for the best interpretation of a work from P. Tchaikovsky
Lukian war am 01.09.2006 in Russland geboren. Mit 4 Jahren ist er mit der Familie in die Schweiz gezogen und wohnt und studiert seitdem in Basel. Mit 7 Jahren hat Lukian angefangen Klavier zu spielen. Er hat Privatunterricht bei Emma Asatian. Lukian spielte auch ein Jahr lang Cembalo an der Schola Cantorum Basiliensis bei Frau Carmen Ehinger. Seit 2017 hat Lukian in der Musikakademie Basel Musiktheorie, Gehörbildung, Musikdiktat, Improvisation und Komposition bei John MacKeown. Seit August 2018 besucht er die Schule von Musikakademie Basel und nimmt Klavierunterricht in der Klasse von Aglaia Graf. Seit August 2019 Lukian im Talentförderprogramm der Musikschule Basel. Ausser Musik hat Lukian auch noch andere Vorlieben: Literaturclub, Sprachen (Russisch, Deutsch, Französisch, Englisch, Japanisch, Italienisch), Schwimmen, Wasserball, Schach |
Participants - Final Round
- Alessandro Alder, Die Schweiz
- Advay Chawla, Indien
- Lukian Gasser, Die Schweiz
- Yasmin Gonzalez, Großbritannien
- Soraya Gonzalez, Großbritannien
- Ekaterina Grabova, Russland
- Arya Su Gülenc, Türkei
- Jakob Benjamin Hilpert, Deutschland
- Sezin Ege Kabakli, Türkei
- Rodrigo Landa Romero, Mexiko
- BoKun Liu, Kanada
- Jan Müller, Die Schweiz
- Malte Peters, Deutschland
- Daniel Stang, Deutschland
- Shuyi Wang, China
Participants - I. Round
- Alessandro Alder, Die Schweiz
- Advay Chawla, Indien
- Lukian Gasser, Die Schweiz
- Yasmin Gonzalez, Großbritannien
- Soraya Gonzalez, Großbritannien
- Ekaterina Grabova, Russland
- Arya Su Gülenc, Türkei
- Jakob Benjamin Hilpert, Deutschland
- Sezin Ege Kabakli, Türkei
- Rodrigo Landa Romero, Mexiko
- BoKun Liu, Kanada
- Jan Müller, Die Schweiz
- Malte Peters, Deutschland
- Daniel Stang, Deutschland
- Shuyi Wang, China
Conditions and FAQ
- The International Anton Rubinstein Competition 2020 – PIANO JUNIOR is organized by the International Music Academy Anton Rubinstein in Düsseldorf and will take place in International Music Academy Anton Rubinstein in Düsseldorf, Germany on 26th April 2020.
- Pianists between the ages of 8 and 15 years old may take part in this competition.
- The competition will take place in two rounds, from which the Jury will decide the winners.
- The first round will be completed via video link on YouTube. The results will be announced via email on 28 March 2020.
- The second round will take place in the Concert Hall of the International Music Academy Anton Rubinstein in Düsseldorf, Germany
- The Final of competition is open to the public.
- A maximum of 20 candidates will be advanced to the Final Round . This decision will be made by the International Music Academy Anton Rubinstein, using the recordings from the first round.
- The International Music Academy Anton Rubinstein will determine the order in which the competitors perform.
- The repertoire for the first round can be freely chosen by the candidate, but must be at least 20 minutes long.
- For the Final, the candidates must present a program of max. 20 minutes long.
- The jury has the right to interrupt any performance that exceeds the applicable time limit.
- The final results and the Awards Ceremony will be announced at the end of the competition day: 26th April 2020 around 7 pm.
- All participants must be present when the competition results are announced.
- With their registration, participants authorize the organizer, i.e. the International Music Academy Anton Rubinstein, to use all photo, video and audio material of the competition at its discretion.
- The decision of the jury is final and incontestable.
- With his or her registration, the candidate and his or her legal guardian agree to the rules and regulations of the competition.
- Registration Deadline: 20th March 2020.
- Registration fee: 75 € until 20th February 2020 and 100 € thereafter.
- The registration fee is nonrefundable.
- Schedules are being worked on and will be published soon.